Location: Dubai, UAE
Alright…finally out of my laziness and typing the whole meeting thing…its divided into 3 sections…2 times when I missed him and the 3rd when I finally met him… :D
After the show ended at about 2:30 me and my cousins rushed to the hotel to see the stars…thanks to the traffic we reached late…and missed almost all of them…specially Hrithik and srk… but there was this aunty standing there…I went and asked her if Hrithik went inside…and she was like ‘ohh that boy in the white clothes…yes yes he just went inside…he looked very young and handsome ’(I think she was from goa…she had that kind of an accent and I loved the way she said ‘and he was very young and handsome)…we were waiting till about 4:30 …trying to get into the hotel to see the after show party…and when we finally went inside only saif and feroz khan were there dancing all alone…rest everyone went back to their rooms…we were sooo bugged cause we were out in the cold for so long and those stupid guards didn’t let us in and when we finally got in these ppl went…after we left from there my elder sisters frd called up and told ‘hrithik just came down’….urgh…I felt like slapping everyone at that time … :pissed:
Then the next day we got up early in the morning and ran to the hotel to meet them…soo many stars came down…and every time someone would come..everyone would crowd around…finally they put these barriers so that no one could pass it and meet the stars (this was mainly done cause Hrithik was the only person left to come down and everyone had been asking when he was coming)…finally after waiting for about 2 hours over there he came down…and everyone started screaming for him and surrounded him…my heart skipped a beat when I saw him…he looked soooo handsome(not that we didn’t know that)…he was all red just like his dad……and he looks great with that weight …he dosent look ‘fat’ as many ppl say and he is less chubbier than he looks in his pics…I wish he hadn’t worn those stupid glasses so I could see his eyes too :S ….he had so many guards around him and all of them were big time dogs…they kept pushing everyone aside…specially the kids and the females…they weren’t allowing anyone to get close to him…that was the time when I touched his muscles..lol…cause no one was letting me go in front and I was getting mad…I finally caught hold of his hand…man his muscles were huge…hehe…when his guards first pushed some kids aside Hrithik told them to stop it…they didn’t listen and again pushed them…this time he got bugged and screamed at one of the guards and went like ‘I told u stop it…you don’t need to do that again’ (man he looked dangerous when he was angry :P )…and then there were these 3-4 kids who came up to him and he bend down and hugged and kissed them :sloppy: …cho cute…for once I wish I was one of those kids :cry: …and oh did I mention when Hrithik came in everyone started saying ‘3 cheers for Hrithik and koi mil gaya :clap: ’…aww he was all red with blush when ppl were cheering …and then he quickly left and wasn’t back till late night …but man he looked soooooooo handsome…and I was sooo shocked when I shook his hand and said ‘congrats’ and he turned and smiled and said ‘thank u’…omg that smile…GOSH…. :love: :lovemaking:
Now for suzannes part…man she looks very cute and she and hrithik do make an adorable pair (now I know many ppl don’t like her but well imo she is adorable)…anyways when they first came down he was holding her but due to the rush she went behind him…i’ve always thought she was tall..but she isn’t…now that dosent mean she is short…she was between 5’4 to 5’5 I think..cause she came upto his shoulder level…a little more than that…not bad and she is soo thin…infact she was getting squashed between the guards and the fans…oh well during the cheering time she put her head down and was smiling…
Then hrk finally pulled her out and went up with her to the car…there also they were mobbed by so many ppl…he had a hard time before he could get into the car…everyone was just jumping and pulling and pushing him around…damn poor thing…
And then finally the after show party…it was terribly boring..and the worst part was that the stars came in 1 by one and went…I thought they would be there all together..and to add to it Hrithik just left 10 minutes :cry: before we reached :banghead: (y do ppl take so much time to get ready)…my frd who was present there told me that Hrithik had come down and everyone just jumped over him …apart from that the manager of zee was also talking to someone and I over-heard it…he was complaining to ask ppl to be seated and not jump like the way they did when Hrithik came in…it seems that had to rush him out in 10 minutes cause of the crowd…and then he went for dinner with Suzanne and didn’t come back till late night…we waited till about 2:30 hoping he would come…but no he didn’t come only…
Well that’s the weekend.