Source: Mid Day
Date: May 21, 2013
Two icons. Two fitness ambassadors. Two dedicated health freaks. The GUIDE caught up with South African super- fit speed machine DALE STEYN and KRIS GETHIN, the fitness trainer responsible for HRITHIK ROSHAN’S to- die- for physique to give us the lowdown on health, fitness and and the need to stick to a routine in today’s time-pressed world
KRIS GETHIN ( Hrithik Roshan’s trainer) 1) How and what spurred you into serious bodybuilding? Why not any other fitness routine?
I raced motocross for some years and encountered injuries. Through weight training to better rehab my muscles, I began experiencing a new sense of confidence and strength as my muscles began to transform. Now, I feel through bodybuilding, I am able to experience a better flow of blood to my brain so I can learn more, have more energy, discipline, health and vitality, plus I like the fact that I don't have to rely on anyone else as you would in a team sport or environment. Weight training keeps you pure, provides an outlet for depression, anxiety, stress, you name it — bodybuilding has benefits like nothing else.
2) In today’s fast paced urban lifestyle, does bodybuilding require even more discipline than say, the 1970s and 80s — when Arnold Schwarzenegger and co.had popularised it?
I believe so because now there are so many more fast food outlets, and more attention is needed towards dietary supplements because our soil is over- harvested and thus, lacking in the essential vitamins and minerals of years past
3) What are your most memorable impressions of training Hrithik Roshan?
Seeing the smile on his face while he sprinted repeatedly on the beaches in Dubai. It was the first time he had the strength and confidence to sprint the way he was since a youngster because of his lack of strength and stability, and due to a past condition of his knee. Also, while we were in overseas shooting for Krrish, we had to deplete and then load his physique with carbohydrates for a lean, ripped but full 3D appearance for his shirtless scenes. The evening before, he wasn’t looking anywhere near the way he needed to in order to shock the viewer. Less than 24 hours later, he looked absolutely amazing by sticking to the plan we had set out. He looked unreal and everyone on the set couldn’t believe the transformation that was happening before their eyes — he kept looking better and better by the hour. Those scenes, when revealed will go down in history. We will remember that experience for some time. The Bodybuilding . com Guide to your Best Body, Kris Gethin, Simon & Schuster, Rs 499. Available at leading bookstores
DALE STEYN 1) What does your breakfast comprise of?
I am not really a breakfast person, honestly. The Indian Premier League games start so late, I try to sleep till lunchtime. Because if I wake up too early and have a breakfast, by 8 o’clock at night, I am falling asleep ( laughs). I try and reverse it by sleeping, so the 8 o’clock game becomes a 4 o’clock game in my sleeping pattern. I have a big lunch and am set for six hours or so.
2) What’s your energy snack in between meals?
Easy digestible foods, so, bananas, may be, nuts. I power up with energy drinks to stay hydrated. Simple foods like fruits are very light and easy to digest.
3) One form of exercise that you absolutely can’t do without?
Sleep, it sounds weird, but it is recovery. Recovery is the best form to get ready for the next game. Often, doing too much is not good and your body needs good time to recover between games.
4) What’s your ideal warm up exercise?
I like dynamic stuff. So, I like moving around. I don’t like sitting stationary and stretching. This is one way of getting everything to wake up. To simply be seated in one place and to stretch doesn’t work for me; I have got to jump squats, kicks with the legs and lots of movement with the medicine ball, with me throwing it left and right.
5) Who is your fitness idol?
Usain Bolt is probably the peak of fitness. What we do is similar, he runs over 100 metres, I run over 20 metres, and move fast. Whatever he does as a sprinter is phenomenal.