Source: Filmfare: October 2005
Article scanned by: Sarah
Typed by: Vani
Date: September 27, 2005
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Love is : A fire that can warm you heart or burn you down.
I lust for: Victory
Sex can be: Perfect! Trust me ;)
In the bedroom: Or the kitchen or the bathroom or the loungeā¦the place doesn't matter.
My favorite endearments: Babes, Jaan.
When a man loves a woman: He finally lives!
A women's sex appeal: Is greatest when she's unaware of it.
I get turned on by: Stimulating Witty Conversation.
My heart skipped a beat: When I won two Filmfare awards on the same night. I hope history keeps repeating itself!
Holding hands: Could be the most incredibly intimate thing.
A romantic evening: Would have to be spontaneous.
My definition of erotic: It's all in the mind.