

Meri Junk

Published On: 2012-09-07

Author: unknown

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Meri Junk

Scanned by: Sophie
Typed by: Vanita
Source: Cineblitz, October 2005
Date: October 9, 2005

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Never before glimpses of a star's objects of devotion…

My passion: is to grow as a better person professionally and personally. I also want to grow deep mentally and physically. It's a challenge I set for myself.

My food: is pattrani machchi. I ate at Farhan Akhtar's house. I was licking my fingers. It is a Parsi Delicacy.

My bedside table: is pouring with loads of books, atlas of the world, a tissue box and a photo frame of Sussanne and Me.

My woman: is Yana Gupta and Kylie Minogue. They both are so spunky and sexy.

My fragrance: is the one I am currently using. Its cologne by Marc Jacobs.

My Sin: Is not a sin in actual terms. I never let people know how good I really am!

My Room-Mate: is my adorable wife. I don't need any pets as she makes up for all.

My color: is red, it's a color of love and desire.

My inspiration: to me is competition, fear and greed. These are my motivating factors.

My pass time: for me is a toss between working out and reading.

My nightmare: is non existent now. There used to be a time when I would dream everyday about me studying for the wrong exam at the wrong time. It's like studying history when I have a Geography test! It was more of a nightmare than a dream!